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For Immediate Release

Celebrating National Economic Development Week

Santa Rosa,CA | May 08, 2017

 Sonoma County celebrates National Economic Development Week from May 8-13th. The goal of National Economic Development Week is to increase awareness for local programs that create jobs, advance career development opportunities and increase the quality of life in Sonoma County.

Economic development encompasses policies and programs directed at improving the business climate through specific efforts including access to capital for business to start, grow and expand; marketing local products and services; workforce development; community development to support local neighborhoods; business retention and expansion, affordable housing, and sustainable land use and development practices.

“This national event helps communities recognize economic development practitioners and sheds light on their programs and their role in stimulating job creation by businesses in our local communities,” said Ben Stone, Executive Director of the Sonoma County Economic Development Board.

In partnership with our nine cities, local chambers of commerce, trade associations and utility companies, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday will issue a gold resolution recognizing National Economic Development Week and local economic development efforts across Sonoma County.

National Economic Development Week is coordinated by The International Economic Development Council. It is being held during the week of the organization’s 91st anniversary as the largest professional membership organization for economic developers.



Contact Information

Economic Development Collaborative
County of Sonoma
(707) 565-7170