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Special Reports


The EDC produces special reports each year on a variety of topics. These reports are usually produced in response to concerns or public need. 

COVID-19 Economic Impacts on Sonoma County

Sonoma County BIPOC-Owned Businesses: Opportunities and Challenges report cover

Effects of the Pandemic on Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Businesses

Stratified Insights

This report advances 3 strategic focuses: (1) the operational impacts of COVID-19 on small businesses in Sonoma County as small businesses are the backbone of local economies; (2) a lens on equity given the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on BIPOC-owned businesses and the economic gains that follow an equity agenda (Buckman et al., 2021); and (3) the Latinx experience given that over one-quarter of residents in Sonoma County are Latinx –a greater share than the Latinx national population – with this group starting businesses at a faster rate than all other demographic groups.

August 2021

Impacts of industries and Orgs page 5 cover

Impacts on Industries and Organizations 

Economic Forensics & Analytics

This study considers the continuing and forecasted effects of COVID-19 on specific industries and organizations. This report updates a 2020 report done by EFA on the Sonoma County economy in three ways: (1) identifies industries that remain challenged as general economic recovery continues in 2021 and beyond; (2) identifies occupations that remain challenged as general economic recovery continues in 2021 and beyond; and (3) given these challenges, provides recommendations as to where funds coming to Sonoma County from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) be placed to maximize return on investment (ROI). Study also considers Sonoma County’s black, indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) workers and how ARPA funding may help equity goals as recovery continues in our recommendations.

August 2021

impacts of covid page 6 cover

Economic Impacts from COVID-19 on Sonoma County Economy

Economic Forecast Analytics

This study considers the economic impacts of COVID-19 on Sonoma County's economy through three scenarios from 2020 to 2023. 

August 2020

Kincade inforgraphic report cover

Kincade and Power Shutoff Economic Impacts

In collaboration with Moody’s Analytics, this report showcases key impacts from the PG&E’s power shutoffs and Kincade Fire of 2019. The power shutoffs include four separate events: October 9-12, October 23-24, October 26-27, and November 20, 2019. The Kincade Fire began late on October 23 and was not fully contained until November 6, 2019.


Sonoma County Complex Fires Report 

This report evaluates the impact of the 2017 Sonoma Complex Fires on the Sonoma County economy, in relation to individual industries, housing, and local tax revenues. 

CEDS Report Cover

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

The Sonoma County Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic road map to diversify and strengthen regional economies. The  CEDS represents the combined efforts of volunteers and staff to record and discuss economic development activities within the region. Staff collected input from businesses and community stakeholders through outreach events and meetings with representatives from business clusters.