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Economic Recovery

The County of Sonoma has taken swift and appropriate actions to slow the spread of the Coronavirus, maintain hospital capacity, and ensure the protection of public health. As guidelines have been provided by the State of the California for a safe reopening, it is appropriate to plan for short and long-term actions to provide for the economic health and well being of the community. 

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors adopted the Sonoma County Economic Recovery Action Plan to support economic and community resiliency and recovery from COVID-19 and natural disasters. Compiled by the Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) and County Administrator’s Office (CAO) using a Whole Community approach and feedback from over 500 community members, the Economic Recovery Action Plan includes 13 key strategies. These short to long term economic strategies focus on;
  • Business Recovery
  • Workforce Recovery
  • Community Recovery 

Economic Recovery Action Plan (PDF: 12,657 KB)

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Business Recovery


1.  Make funding, equipment, and facilities easily accessible to businesses

2.  Provide innovative regulations and temporary laws (called urgency ordinances) to keep businesses operational

3.  Support hardest-hit business sectors, while increasing economic diversification throughout the county

4.  Ensure that businesses are prepared for future disasters 


 $2.5 million dollars in emergency stabilization grants awarded to 542 Sonoma County Businesses.

Regular meetings with permit agencies in the County to develop business-friendly processes.

Workforce Recovery


5.  Provide creative childcare solutions aligned with strategies developed by Sonoma County organizations that serve children ages 0-12

6.  Provide workforce re-skilling and training opportunities

7.  Retain and attract Sonoma County’s workforce

8.  Ensure that social safety net services are available to help low income residents meet their basic needs.


  Program being developed and implemented to support childcare providers and families.

During the biggest COVID-19 surges, financial assistance was offered for needed sick leave for individuals who cannot afford to take time off from work.

Community Recovery


9.  Serve the access and functional needs of local community members, including individuals with disabilities, older adults, children, individuals from diverse cultures, and people with limited English proficiency.

10.  Address housing and transportation needs

11.  Expand broadband infrastructure and services to increase internet access

12.  Leverage the power of the arts, culture, and creativity to enable people to implement innovative solutions to our recovery

13.  Address climate and energy impacts


  $1.5 million dollars dedicated for rental assistance in Sonoma County.

Development of County wide Broadband Action Plan addressing funding, infrastructure, and access.