EDC Press Releases
Creative Sonoma Announces Recipients of First-Ever Arts and Cultural Equity Fellowships
Creative Sonoma, in collaboration with Kimzin Creative, a local arts and equity consulting group, is happy to announce the inaugural class of Arts and Cultural Equity Fellows. The fellows are emerging to mid-career artists and culture workers who work within, on behalf of, or to support Sonoma County’s communities of color. Read full story
Job Market Tracker Report 2022 Quarter 1
The Sonoma County Economic Development Board released the 2022 First Quarter Sonoma County Job Market Tracker report. The report captures data on current job opportunities and desired skills from job postings in Sonoma County. The report also breaks down most in demand jobs and median salaries of job postings. Read full story
Second Round of Feedback Begins for Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
The Sonoma Mendocino Economic Development District (SMEDD) invites Sonoma and Mendocino County community members to help shape the regional economy by participating in a second round of input for the 2022 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). Read full story
Creative Sonoma Announces Training and Mini-Grant Program for Artists
Creative Sonoma is pleased to announce a new program to encourage creative placemaking projects in Sonoma County. Artists who are interested in building a practice in community engagement and public art are encouraged to apply. Read full story
Creative Sonoma Announces New Fellowship Grant Program
Creative Sonoma Announces New Fellowship Grant Program Read full story
Community Invited to Help Shape Regional Economy
2021-08-27 false Immediate Community Invited to Help Shape Regional Economy Santa Rosa CA The Sonoma Mendocino Economic Development District (SMEDD) invites Sonoma and Mendocino County community members to help shape the regional economy. Community members can get involved by taking t Read full story
Comunidad invitada para ayudar a dar forma a la economía regional
2021-08-27 false Immediate Comunidad invitada para ayudar a dar forma a la economía regional Santa Rosa CA El Distrito de Desarrollo Económico Sonoma Mendocino (SMEDD, por sus siglas en inglés) invita a los miembros de la comunidad de los condados de Sonoma y Mendocino a ayudar a mold Read full story
EDB Hosting Black, Indigenous, Peopleof Color Economic Event
2021-08-06 false Immediate EDB Hosting Black, Indigenous, Peopleof Color Economic Event Santa Rosa CA The Sonoma CountyEconomic Development Board (EDB) is hosting the second installment of their newsignature economic series, EconomicPerspectives , on August 11 th at 8:00 am. Read full story
EDB organiza evento económico negro,indígena y gente de color
2021-08-06 false Immediate EDB organiza evento económico negro,indígena y gente de color Santa Rosa CA La Junta de Desarrollo Económico delCondado de Sonoma (EDB, por sus siglas en inglés) está organizando la segundaentrega de su nueva serie económica, “Economic Perspectives” Read full story