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For Immediate Release

Board of Supervisors approves locations for County program to provide free internet to low-income households

SANTA ROSA, CA | March 11, 2025

The Board of Supervisors today approved those affordable housing site locations eligible to receive free internet for one year for 556 low-income Sonoma County households using American Rescue Plan Act funding. Eligible sites were selected among affordable housing properties countywide with a minimum of 20 housing units, and operated or served by Burbank Housing, MidPen Housing, PEP Housing, and West County Community Services. Other criteria used to identify eligible sites included geographic distribution throughout the county, distribution among housing for seniors, families, low-income workers, and unhoused individuals, and location within Comcast’s service area.  

“The Board has prioritized finding creative solutions to broadband infrastructure development in Sonoma County,” said Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, chair of the Board of Supervisors. “This free internet program is a step toward equity as we continue to pursue public funding and strategic partnerships that can finally close the digital divide facing many of our shared communities.”

The internet subscriptions purchased by the County will be distributed on a first-come first-served basis to residents of the eligible properties and are good for one year of free service at a speed of 100 MBPS download and 20 MBPS upload. To meet ARPA expenditure guidelines and ensure program consistency, only residents of the selected affordable housing sites will be eligible to participate in this program. The subscriptions cover all costs of equipment rentals, surcharges, and fees for the standard one-year of service. 

Property locations eligible for free internet service include: 

  • 80 units at Springs Village in Sonoma 
  • 40 units at Celestina Garden Apartments in Sonoma 
  • 44 units at 414 Petaluma in Petaluma 
  • 66 units at Logan Place in Petaluma 
  • 79 units at Crossroads Apartments in Santa Rosa 
  • 68 units at Carillo Place Apartments in Santa Rosa 
  • 56 units at Larkfield Oaks in Santa Rosa 
  • 44 units at Harvest Grove Apartments in Healdsburg 
  • 48 units at Fife Creek Commons in Guerneville 
  • 31 units at Elderberry Commons in Sebastopol 

The Board of Supervisors today also received an update on the County’s application for funding through the California Public Utilities Commission for broadband infrastructure development in Jenner, Walsh Landing, Southeast Santa Rosa and East Cloverdale project areas. While the County’s application was not approved in the most recent round, the CPUC did approve more than $17 million for two open access broadband expansion projects in west Sonoma County. Forestville Connect will provide 35 miles of fiber optic infrastructure to 295 unserved locations, while Sonoma Coast Connect is expected to install 40 miles of fiber optic infrastructure reaching 507 unserved locations.    

In 2021, the Board established the Access Sonoma Broadband Action Plan, followed by a Digital Needs Assessment in 2024 that showed affordability continues to be a persistent barrier to internet access in Sonoma County.  

Board materials for today’s Sonoma County broadband update. 

For more information about today’s Board action and broadband update, including the Access Sonoma Broadband Action Plan, please contact the Sonoma County Economic Development Collaborative at or by calling (707) 565-7170.  

Media Contacts: 
Aleena Decker  
(707) 565-7221 

Dan Virkstis  
(707) 565-3040 
