Flood Business Resources
For emergency flood information and resources, visit SoCoEmergency.org.
This page is designed to point your business towards helpful resources in the event of natural flooding. For flood emergency information and preparations, including sandbagging stations, please view Sonoma County Department of Emergency Management's Flooding resources page. For road closures visit roadclosures-sonomacounty.hub.arcgis.com.
Below are Federal, State, and Local business resources to assist in the recovery from a natural flood. For a complete list of resources related to a variety of disasters, visit SoCo Launch Business Resources.
Business Damage Assessment Survey
Are the recent storms causing damage or economic hardship for your business?
If your business or organization have experienced or are experiencing physical damage or economic hardship from the continuing storms, please take the Business Damage Assessment Survey. Information collected from this survey can potentially qualify our region for financial assistance.
Nor-Cal Financial Development Corporation
Up to $1 million in loans (85%-95% guarantee by IBANK) to repair or replace property, inventory, supplies, and equipment, or to relocate.
California IBank
Low interest and state-guaranteed business loans and microloans affected by a disaster. Small businesses, including small farms, nurseries, agriculture-related enterprises and nonprofits that have suffered an economic loss and/or physical damage may apply for the Disaster Relief Loan Guarantee Program (DRLGP) which offers loans up to $1 million for Disaster Relief Borrowers.
Insurance Assistance
Califonia Department of Insurance
Insurance coverage may vary based on your provider and policy type. For general questions, the California department of insurance may be a resource. Specific questions should be addressed by your insurance provider. Learn more by calling your insurance agent.
Property Assistance
Calamity Provision Property Reassessment
Properties damaged or lost by disasters can be reassessed at a lower property tax value. Visit the County Assessor’s Office for more information. Residents or business owners whose property suffered more than $10,000 in value loss may be eligible.
Sonoma County Assessor’s Office
(707) 565-1330
Qualified Contaminated Property Reassessment
A resident or business owner may transfer the base year value of a property to a new, replacement property if the old property is unfit to live in (residential) or to use (nonresidential). Property must be designated as toxic or an environmental hazard (chemicals, petroleum, hazardous materials, etc. released by the fire) to be eligible.
Sonoma County Assessor’s Office
(707) 565-1330